Digital Humanities



The above-mentioned pyramid suggests that Literature has a very oppositional relation with Science and Technology as well as religion. They hardly go in a parallel way. Sometimes seems perpendicular but never linear. So here is an interesting discussion on how the ‘anti-scientific spirit’ of literature merges with technology. Literature basically aims to opt for liberty and spreading of humanity. Literature tries to revolt against any kind of bondage that is making humans mechanical or inhuman.

With the advancement in technological field, it can be observed that people are being spied over and they are beginning to lose their private space and nowadays there has been a tremendous improvement of artificial intelligence that it is very hard to say that our privacy is maintained. Nothing is private or confidential nowadays. And literature reflects this thought too like in the novel titled ‘1984’, George Orwell creates a dystopian version of prescience of modern science.

Digital Humanities is an oxymoron kind of thing. It’s a composition of two things- ‘Digital’ and ‘Humanities’. Well, technology here is an interdisciplinary advancement utilized for research concerned with the intersection of computing and disciplines of humanities. So, digital and humanities are opposite words which generates a unique area or scope of research.

1. Define Digital Humanities?

Before coming to a particular definition of Digital humanities, let us explore to what Google has to say-

The Wikipedia defines-

“The digital humanities, also known as humanities computing, is a field of study, research, teaching, and invention concerned with the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities. It is methodological by nature and interdisciplinary in scope. It involves investigation, analysis, synthesis and presentation of information in electronic form. It studies how these media affect the disciplines in which they are used, and what these disciplines have to contribute to our knowledge of computing.”

Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, an associate director of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities at the University of Maryland, in his article titled “What Is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments?” explains that digital humanities is more akin to a common methodological outlook than an investment in any one specific set of texts or even technologies.

Digital Humanities is a social undertaking. It keeps in mind the networks of people who work together, sharing research, arguing, competing, and collaborating for many years. It involves investigation, analysis, synthesis and presentation of information in electronic form.

2. What is it doing in English Departments? Write any three reasons out of six given in the article by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum.

Matthew G. Kirschenbaum discusses six reasons on the role of Digital Humanities in English Department-

First, after numeric input, text has been by far the most tractable data type for computers to manipulate. Unlike images, audio, video, and so on, there is a long tradition of text-based data processing that was within the capabilities of even some of the earliest computer systems and that has for decades fed research in fields like stylistics, linguistics, and author attribution studies, all heavily associated with English departments.

Second that there is the long association between computers and composition, almost as long and just as rich in its lineage.

Third that it is a modest but much-promoted belle-lettristic project around hypertext and other forms of electronic literature that continues to this day and is increasingly vibrant and diverse.

3. Do you think there is any need of it in the study / research of literature?

Definitely, there is need of it in study / research of literature as every new field. The Digital Humanities provides a space in which we can attack the three fundamental constraints that limited our ability to contribute to the public good: (1) the distribution problem, (2) the library problem, and (3) the comprehension problem.
Digital humanities in literature can provide a new pattern of pedagogy.

4. Can it help in study / research of regional literature written in local languages (i.e. Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu etc) as it helps in the study of literature in English?

Yes, it can help in study/research of regional literature written in local languages (i.e. Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu etc) as it helps in the study of literature in English.

Thank you. 

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