The Myth Of Daedalus And Icarus.



Daedalus and Icarus

                                 Daedalus was a brilliant inventor and a master craftsman of Athens, the kingdom of Hercules. As an artificer he was too egoistic and proud. He used to make lifelong sculptures for the King that even the King mistook it.   Once the skilled Daedalus, out of jealousy, murders his nephew (who was more skilled than him). He was banished from Athens and went to Crete. He continued to cross his limits by inventing mechanical toys (so realistic that they seemed lively) for King Minos’s children and helped Minos’s wife -Pasiphae in seducing a bull for which she was been cursed by God Poseidon to fall in love with King’s prized bull. As a result, the wife of King gave birth to half-man half-bull and the King blamed Daedalus for the whole event that he and his son has to be remain imprisoned for the rest of their lives in an inescapable labyrinth for which Daedalus was forced to construct such a labyrinth on an island.

Daedalus made wings out of wax and  feathers

                Daedalus, still a genius, constructed two pair of huge wings from feathers and wax. He and his son Icarus escaped from the prison. While strapping the wings to his son, Daedalus gave a warning to his son neither to fly too near the ocean nor too near the sun. Either could harm the wings and he could die. Therefore the trick was to fly in middle, nor near the ocean for which the wings shall be wet neither near the sun for which the wax would melt. They both tried to fly in the sky, the first-ever mortals to fly. While Daedalus was consistent, his son Icarus, overjoyed with the feeling of flight and felt like divine power felled from such a height because of his melted wings, as he had gone too near the sun. 

Daedalus could only watch the terrific fall of his son with his fearful eyes. He faced the catastrophic result of his innovative action of doing something beyond the boundaries of the mortals.

Icarus ignored the advice of his father and met a tragic death

Icarus faced death because of his hubris (excessive pride) of considering himself like immortal and Daedalus regretted for his deeds.

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